The theme for interior design in 2019 is all about function and purpose. The wave of the KonMari method has swept through the masses and we are all clearing the clutter to give way to functional spaces and easy living. This includes the use of a bookshelf…for actual books! Take down your kitschy, dust collecting, decorative items and put your spaces to practical use.
Another fresh design trend for 2019 is the use of warmer tones on the walls such as toned neutrals and greys. Last year the theme pulled us towards cool tones of grey, but now we want the warmth!

Let’s not forget the use of rich, vibrant green, drawing us closer to the elements of nature and the outdoors. Welcome your home to some lush indoor plants to achieve the look, or even bring in a bold piece of emerald green furniture. If you are on a budget, but you want to quickly update a space in your home, add a large Moroccan patterned rug or an overly decorated (and highly functional) pouffe to transform your newly de-cluttered and very cozy sanctuary. Let function and purpose be your mantra this year!
Some other 2019 trends to spice up your interior include patterned tiles in bathrooms and kitchens, rich and dark kitchen cabinets, rose gold hardware and rounded architectural design accents. Let your computer mouse do the research as the benefit of Internet creates boundless possibilities for creativity and style.